Victorian Water Entities Customer Experience Benchmarking Program

On behalf of the Essential Services Commission, CSBA performs independent quality assurance assessments of the Victorian water retailers as part of the Victorian Water Entities CX Benchmarking Program.

Independent, industry wide quality assurance program

The Victorian Essential Services Commission (VESC) is responsible for monitoring the performance of Victorian water retailers, based on several customer orientated KPI’s. To do this, the VESC commissioned CSBA to develop and implement a tailored quality assurance program that:

  • Provides an independent and objective quality assurance measure that is applied to all Victorian Water retailers.
  • Benchmarks the performance of Victorian Water retailers against other Australian utilities providers and other sectors.
  • Identifies specific areas where improvement is needed and provides a platform for driving change in the industry.

The Program’s performance data and results are shared with the Victorian public as part of the VESC’s annual reporting process. Victorian Water retailers are encouraged to engage with CSBA to access detailed performance results, explore training and development opportunities and to learn best practice techniques and tactics from the high performing entities.

Watch The 2024 ESC & CSBA Water CX Forum